"New Zealand is Different" provides a chemist’s viewpoint of a number of the innovations featured on this site. It was originally published in 1999. Now only a few copies of the second edition are left. They are available from Clerestory Press for $30 plus post and packing.

P.O.Box 21-120, Christchurch, New Zealand. Email: young.writers@xtra.co.nz

New Zealand is Different
J. S. Pollard
From Hector to CRIs D. J. Hogan
The Commercialisation of Chemistry G. J. Leary
Superphosphate and Biological Nitrogen Fixation T. W. Walker
The Production of Superphosphate D. J. Higgins
The Bush-Sickness Saga N. T. Clare
Eric Allen and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy O. E. Clinton
Facial Eczema: The Tale of a Toxin D. E. Wright
Fires in Cargoes of Wool I. K. Walker
The New Cheese making: From Art to Science P. S. Robertson
Fish-Liver Oils: A Wartime Success Story J. M. Mattingley
Sugar of Milk: The Lactose Industry J. M. Wood
Meat in the Economic Sandwich C. L. Davey
New Zealand Pharmaceuticals: A Model of Industrial Development R L. Earle
Natural Products from New Zealand Native Plants R. C. Cambie
Cytokinins and Plant Growth D. S. Letham
Paper from Pinus Radiata A. W. Mackney
Terpineol from Turpentine: A Tragi-Comedy C. L. H. Stonyer
Towards a Seaweed Industry I. J. Miller
Going for Gold with Cyanidation D. V. Fenby
The Development of Geothermal Power A. J. Ellis
The Rise and Fall of the Ceramics Industry P. K. Foster, J. T. Linzey and K. E. Seal
The Chemistry of Cement and Concrete R. A. Kennerley
Synthetic Fuel from Maui Gas L. M. Parker, D. M. Bibby and N. B. Milestone
The Saga of New Zealand Steel A. F. Wylde and T. Marshall
Salt from the Sea: Achieving the Near Impossible J. S. Pollard
About This Book

The Editors say: ‘New Zealand is Different’ is intended for two main audiences.

First, it is a historical study, which we hope will interest the general reader.

Second, it describes some of the chemistry and technology that has contributed to the development of our country. Since the latter may be of interest only to the more technically inclined reader, we have placed as much as possible in "information boxes", which may be regarded as asides to the historical narrative. Some of the historical and biographical background materials are treated in a similar manner.

The book starts with John Pollard’s seminal essay, New Zealand is Different, whose theme recurs frequently throughout. Denis Hogan and Gordon Leary then set the scene regarding the contribution made by government research establishments, particularly the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), its precursors and progeny.

The succeeding essays may be roughly classified as concerning the land, agriculture, agricultural products and by-products, natural products and minerals. Many of the stories overlap, but we have tried to avoid repetition by the use of cross-references. We have also attempted to aid the general reader by providing technical definitions in parentheses and footnotes, with more detailed explanations in handily placed information boxes.