On the Land


Aerial Fertilizer
Dairy Industry 1
Dairy Industry 2
Dairy Industry 3
Dairy Innovation Table
Electric Fencing
Wool Scouring 1
Wool Scouring 2

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Since Britain entered the European Economic Community the New Zealand Dairy Industry has engaged in a remarkable expansion of products and markets. It now sells in over 100 countries and supplies products with over 800 separate specifications. Value-added products now contribute 40% of sales revenue.

Although there has been little change in the basic raw material – milk – new technology has led to this milk being valued predominantly for its protein content a change from when payments to farmers were solely on butterfat content.

An integral part of this expansion has been a commitment to marketing and product innovation. The industry has got close to its customers by establishing technical support centres in a nunmber of countries.


Eric Warr. "From Bush-Burn to Butter – A Journey in Words and Pictures", Butterworths, 1988.

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