Flax Milling


Pinus Radiata

Valuable Materials for Man

A Forestry Boom

An Uncertain Investment

Entrican’s Answer

The Pulp & Paper Projects

The Plumbing of Steam

Plate Tectonics

A Challenge For Scientists and Engineers

The Italian Precedent

New Zealand’s Volcanic Region

A Commitment to Investigation

A Major Technological Investigation

Original Work is Required

Nuclear Power Gets in the Way

Utilising the Steam

Technical Decision-making

Prospecting for Other Steamfields

Environmental Concerns:

A Penetrating Commentary

Feedlines at Wairakei (Picture)


Pasture Deterioration

Grassland Evangelism

Strain and Breeding


The Role of Stock

An Integrated Pastoral System


Complementary Technologies

Jet Boat

The Wonders of Cheap Hydroelectricity

 Water Wheels

White Diamonds


A New World in Canterbury


Rural Electicity

Electric Cars

Women’s Labour

Scale Economies

Electric Milking Machines


A Fascinating Prospect

All-electric Houses

New Power Sources

The Saga of Making Steel from Ironsands

The 19th Century Heritage: the Meat Industry

An Opportune Technology

The "Dunedin"

A Direct Steam Service

British Technology

A 19thCentury Industry

Introduction of the Chain

Lowly Graduates

Government Support

Colonial Dependence

Systematic Research at Last

Electrical Stimulation

Hygiene Regulations

Mechanical Dressing

Parallel Projects

The 19th Century Heritage: Steam Railways

Railways in Economic History

Vogel’s Plan

Vogel and Think Big

A Special Breed of New Zealand Locomotives

New Zealand Locomotives

A Colonial Viewpoint

Gold Dredges

Railway Glamour

New Zealand Manufacture

The Pacific Configuration

A Classic Steam Locomotive

A Limit to Locomotive Design

Wool Scouring

What is Wool Scouring

A Learning Process

The Origins of the New Technology

Features of the System

Commercial Acceptance & Industry-wide Diffusion


The Risk Takers

Economic Considerations

Photo Credits:

Ab Locomotive courtesy NZ Railway & Locomotive Society Archives;

Photographs of Richard Cooper, Nigel Evans & Peter Bates courtesy of Dr Nigel Evans

Onekaka picture courtesy of Christine Whiteford.

Solo and Chain Butchering pictures from " A History of the Canterbury Frozen Meat Company Limited – the first seventy-five years" by G.R MCDonald, 1957.

Top Dressing Plane, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Eric Lee-Johnson Collection E1527/03

Cockayne, Leonard. 1928

Photographer: Stanley Polkinghorne Andrew 1879?- 1964

Description: Dr Leonard Cockayne (1855-1934).

Teacher, horticulturist, botanist. Born Sheffield, 7 April 1855, attended Wesley College, Sheffield, in 1872, and then Owens College, Manchester, until 1874. Travelled to Australia in 1877, then to New Zealand in 1880. Was President of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury in 1899 and 1912, the New Zealand Institute in 1918-1919, and of its Science Congress in 1919, the New Zealand Institute of Horticulture in 1924-1925, and the New Zealand Native Bird Protection Society in 1930-1931. Was responsible in 1927 for the establishment of the Otari Open Air Native Plant Museum, at Wilton in Wellington. Dr Cockayne died in Wellington on 8 July 1934.

Date; 1928

Earle Andrew Collection Alexander Tumbull Library, Wellington, N.Z.

Reference Number: F- 18377-1/1 –

Permission of the Library is required before this photograph may be reproduced or displayed

Geiringer, Erich

Photographer unknown

Description: Dr Erich Geiringer (1917-1995)

Wellington physician, writer, publisher, broadcaster and challenger of the status quo. He was born in Vienna, 31 January 1917, and escaped from Nazi Germany in March 1938, going first to Belgium and then England. He attended medical school in Edinburgh and Glasgow and was a Fulbright scholar. He died in Wellington 24 August 1995.

Date 1974

Reference Number. F- 21989-35MM Print from the Alexander Tumbull Library, Wellington,

Reproduced by courtesy of lllustrations Editor, The Evening Post, Wellington

Semple, Robert

Photographer unknown

Description: Coalminer, trade unionist, politician (Labour Member

of Parliament 1918-1949; Minister of Public Works and Transport 1935-1940)

Date: c1920s

Alexander Tumbull Library, Wellington, N.Z. Reference Number. C- 24418-1/2.:

Permission of the Library is required before this photograph may be reproduced or displayed

Semple, Robert.

Photographer Unknown

Description: Robert Semple, then Minister of Public Works, on a Caterpillar Diesel bulldozer.

Date: 29 March 2023

Evening Post Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, Reference Number. F- 115893-1/2 –

Permission of the Library is required before this photograph may be reproduced or displayed

Fanning, Leo

Photographer unknown

Description: Leo Fanning (left) 1936 with Minister in Charge of Tourist and Health Resorts (Dean Jack Eyre 1914- ) (right) and members of the Wellington Travel League, Mr J.L. Squire (centre) and Mr C. Rouse.

Date: 1957

Alexander Tumbull Library Wellington, N.Z

Reference Number: C- 24419-1/2

Permission of the Library is required before this photograph may be reproduced or displayed

Smith, Edward Metcalf.

Photographer unknown

Description: Edward Metcalfe Smith 1839-1907. Armourer,

Ironsands entrepreneur, politician. MP for New Plymouth (1890-1896) and Taranaki, (1899-1907). House of Representatives, (1906-1908).

Date: c1900s

Alexander Tumbull Library, Welllngton,

Reference Number. F- 183-35MM -B.:

Permission of the Library is required before this photograph may be reproduced or displayed

Sutch, William Ball.

Photographer unknown

Description: William Ball Sutch (1907-1975). Economic and industrial development consultant.

Date: c1947

Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, N.Z.

Reference Number: F- 92659-1/2 – Collection Reference No.: PAColl-6001-28

Permission of the Library is required before this photograph may be reproduced or displayed

Vogel, Sir Julius.

Photographer. Morris

Description: Julius Vogel, 1835-1899. He arrived in Dunedin in 1861 and held a number of political positions before becoming premier in 1873. He was largely responsible for the immigration and public works policies of the 1870s. Vogel was knighted in 1875. In 1888 he and his wife Mary retumed to England to live. In his retirement he wrote a furturistic novel "Anno domini 2000; or a woman’s destiny" (published 1889).

Date: c1870s

Alexander Tumbull Library, Welllngton

Reference Number. F- 5288-1/2

Permission of the Library is required before this photograph may be reproduced or displayed
